AMPAC 2020 Endorsements

A close up of a sign

Description automatically generatedAmerican Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)

2020 General Elections Endorsements.

VOTE by MAIL or in PERSON from now until Election Day, November 3rd, 2020

United States President 

Joseph R. Biden 


United States Senator

Gary Peters 

Representative in Congress

  1. Debbie Dingell – District 12
  2. Rashida Tlaib- District 13
  3. Brenda Lawrence- District 14

State of Michigan House of Representatives:

  1. Abraham Ayash,  District 4
  2. Abdullah Hammoud, District 15
  3. Helene Scott, District 7
  4. Mary Cavanagh, District 10
  5. Brenda Carter, District 29
  6. Kevin Coleman, District 16
  7. Alex Garza, District 12
  8. Lily Cheng, District 72
  9. Tyrone Carter, District 6
  10. John Cherry, District 49
  11. Laurel Hess, District 21
  12. Jewell Jones, District 11

Michigan Supreme Court:

  1. Justice Bridget Mary McCormack
  2. Elizabeth M. Welch

Wayne County Treasurer

Eric R. Sabree

Wayne County Commission

Sam Baydoun 

Canton Township Supervisor

Pat Williams

Judge of Circuit Court -3rd Circuit

Shakira Lynn Hawkins

32A District Court 

Rebekah R. Coleman

Judge of Circuit Court – 3rd Circuit- Incumbent 

Cynthia LaToya Miller

Trustee of Michigan State University

Brian Mosallam

Regent of the University of Michigan, Dearborn

Carl Meyers

Dearborn Board of Education,   full 6 years term

  1. Adel Mozip
  2. Nofila Haidar
  3. Khodr Farhat 

Dearborn Board of Education, partial 2 years term

Maali Luqman

Crestwood Board of Education, Full 6 years term

Mo Sabbagh

Wayne-Westland Community School Board of Education

Kimberly May

Birmingham Public Schools Board 

Nash Salami

Bloomfield Hills School District Board Member

Renita James


Nen Baily