All News News Press Releases

Dearborn One City for all, AMPAC Urges Active Engagement

Even though the general election is over, the work is just the beginning for a new Dearborn and for Mayor-Elect Hammoud.  It is time is to unite and move forward serving the City of Dearborn.

The American Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) calls upon all citizens of the City of Dearborn to actively engage in the city’s affairs as it is transiting towards a new administration and a new era. 

In light of Mayor-Elect Abdullah Hammoud’s announcement of his transitional team and a website designated to keep citizens informed of all issues related to the city and its future, including job vacancies across all the city.  Visit www.dearborntransition.comfor more information and details. AMPAC encourage all to sign up for updates, read news updates and find any jobs that may be posted.  

Once jobs are posted for the new administration, we encourage all qualified candidates to apply.  Qualifications are based on many factors such as credentials, education and training.

AMPAC will continue its diligent work and active engagement with the new administration and the community at large, serving the best interests of all the city’s residents. We are proud of the multicultural makeup of Dearborn and the rich diversity it represent. 

“It’s important that residents keep their active engagement with the City and its leadership” said Abdallah Sheik, AMPAC President. “It’s all about our common future as one community” continued Mr. Sheik.

For more information and to contact AMPAC email:

All News News Press Releases

AMPAC after General Elections, promising future for all

[Dearborn-Michigan, November 4, 2021]: The proud members of The American Arab & Muslim American Political Action Committee (AMPAC) would like to congratulate the winners of Tuesday’s historic general election that was held on November 2, 2021.

Citizens of Dearborn, Dearborn Heights and Hamtramck all elected an Arab-American as their mayor for the first time in history.  

AMPAC truly believes Dearborn and the surrounding cities have a bright future for years to come.  It reflects the American rich diversity.  AMPAC congratulates Dearborn’s Mayor-Elect Abdullah Hammoud, Hamtramck’s Mayor-Elect Dr. Amer Ghalib and Dearborn Heights’s Mayor-Elect Bill Bazzi. 

AMPAC extends its congratulations to all members’ incumbents and new members elected to City Council and the City Charter Commission in Dearborn and other cities.  AMPAC commends all the candidates who ran for public office during this election season. Running for public office takes huge commitment, hard work, and dedication. Their efforts helped shape the future of our cities.  

AMPAC would also thank its volunteers as well as other campaign volunteers who worked long days and weekends over the past few months and especially those who weathered the cold on election day Tuesday, to help get out the vote for not only their candidate, but the community as a whole.

We at AMPAC are pleased to see that the turnout at each election increase as well as a much higher turnout of the younger generation. Your vote is your voice and your voice was heard loud and clear Tuesday.

“We salute all voters who exercised their civic duty and voted”: said Abdallah Sheik, AMPAC President. “We have a very promising future ahead for all of us and together we can advance people’s interests and overcome the challenges” continued Mr. Sheik. 

For more information and to contact AMPAC email:

All News Endorsement News

AMPAC Endorsement Slate 2021

AMPAC has released its endorsements. Please see them below.


AMAC endorses candidates for November 2021 Elections

The American Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) announces its endorsements of for the November 2021 Elections. Early voting has started and elections day is November 2nd, 2021.

All News Endorsement News Press Releases

AMPAC Public Advisory – 2021 November 2nd. General Elections

[Dearborn, MI September 2, 2021]: The American Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) announces the beginning of its endorsement process for the November 2nd. , 2021 General Elections.

All candidates seeking AMPAC’s endorsement must submit a request no later than Saturday, September 18, 2021 (Deadline). Endorsement requests must be made in writing via email to

Candidate’s interviews will be held within the week of Monday, September 20, 2021 to Saturday, September 25, 2021. Candidates will be contacted accordingly.

Upon completion of the endorsement process, AMPAC will make a formal announcement of the list of endorsed candidates for the November 2, 2021 General Elections.

AMPAC urges all registered voters to vote early and in advance via post mail, city clerk office or at your registered precinct on Election Day.  The impact of this year’s upcoming general  election should not be underestimated. 

It is important for everyone to have a voice in the choice of who gets to make decisions that affect our lives and the future of our cities, state and country.

Stay tuned for future AMPAC releases. For more information, Email AMPAC at


All News News Press Releases

AMPAC Congratulates the Winners of the August 3rd Primary Election

[Dearborn Michigan, August 5, 2021]: The American Arab & Muslim American Political Acton Committee (AMPAC) extends its warm congratulations to all candidates who won the August 3rd primary elections in Dearborn and all neighboring cities.  

AMPAC appreciates every voter who actively participated and exercised their civic duty. The elected public servants will be making decisions that affect all of us. 

The primaries this year were very important- especially in Detroit, Hamtramck, Westland, Taylor and Dearborn.  The primary in Dearborn was a historic event. Voters in Dearborn had to choose from among many good candidates for public office. There is no doubt that the mayoral race in Dearborn was the most heated.  

 AMPAC extends its warm congratulations to Rep. Abdullah Hammoud for receiving the most votes among the candidates for Dearborn mayor. We also congratulates Mr. Gary Woronchak for being the second top vote getter in the mayoral race.

AMPAC congratulates all its endorsed and other candidates who won the primary elections and commends all others who did not make it. This is the reality of elections and this the choice of the voters that we fully respect.  There will be other opportunities.

AMPAC calls on all voters to stay engaged, paying attention to the candidates and the issues. AMPAC will continue to assess and re-assess the candidates for the general elections. 

AMPAC salutes the efforts of its members and volunteers who worked tirelessly to educate, inform, and helped get out the vote. AMPAC takes pride of the young and the youth who worked throughout the primary elections period and especially those who worked the polls the day of August 3rd

AMPAC reminds all winning candidates not to take the voters’ support for granted. As one of several community organizations, AMPAC will continue its active role advocating for what serve the best interests of the community at large. 

For more information, contact AMPAC at


All News Endorsement News Press Releases

AMPAC 2021 Primary Elections Endorsees


AMPAC 2021 Primary Elections Endorsees

 [Dearborn, Michigan June 7, 2021]: The American Arab and Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) is pleased to announce its endorsement list for the August, 3rd, 2021 primary elections in Deaborn, Dearborn Heights, Westland, Taylor, Detroit, Hamtramck and across the state of Michigan.

AMPAC made its decisions after an interview process as well as deliberations regarding each candidate.  AMPAC’s decision is primarily based on each candidate’s qualifications, credentials, experience, record and their stances on issues of interest and concern to the Arab and Muslim community.

AMPAC’s only reviews and endorses candidates who submit a formal request seeking its endorsement.

AMPAC urges voters to vote for its endorsed candidates. Voters can vote early via mail or in person as of June 21 to August 3rd, 2021, Elections Day.  

The primary election is important and every vote counts as it will determines who runs in November. The impact of this year’s upcoming primary election should not be underestimated. Primaries determine who runs in the General elections- a first cut in the process.

AMPAC August 3, 2021 Primary Elections Endorsees (listed in no particular order)

City of Dearborn 

Susan Dabaja, Mayor

City of Dearborn Council Race:

Kamal Kadri, Dearborn City Council

Khalil Othman, City Council

Khodr Farhat, City Council

Leslie Herrick, City council

Mike Sareini, City Council

Said Alawathi, City Council

Samra Luqman, City Council

City of Westland:

Tasha Green, Mayor

Candi Halton, City council

City of Taylor:

Alex Garcia, Mayor

City of Detroit Council Race:

Frederick Durhal, City Council D-7

City of Hamtramck (partial list)

Amanda Jackowski Hamtramck City Council

City of Dearborn Heights

Lisa Hicks, Dearborn Heights Treasurer

Stay tuned for future AMPAC releases.  Email AMPAC at for more information.


News Press Releases

Community Leadership Press Conference On Palestine

For Immediate Release

RE: Community Leadership Press Conference

[Dearborn, Monday, May 17, 2021]: In response to President Biden’s position on Gaza, the American and Muslim American Political Action Committee (AMPAC) will be hosting a community leadership press conference tomorrow, Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM.

President Biden’s anticipated visit to Dearborn, the home of the largest Arab and Muslim American community in the US, comes amidst the ongoing Israeli war of aggression on the Palestinian people in all of  Mandatory Palestine, with Gaza bearing the brunt of this aggression.

The community leaders will convey a clear message to President Biden, demanding that the administration take immediate action to compel Israel to stop its war crimes and its other ongoing violations of human rights against all Palestinians, including those who are Israeli citizens. It has been distressing to learn that not only is the Biden administration refusing to pressure Israel, it has expressed support of this war, and stopped the UN Security Council from even issuing a statement calling for an end to the conflict. 

Arab and Muslim Americans voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Biden, hoping for a moral foreign policy based on international law and respect for human rights. We see a failure of leadership on Palestine. Community leaders affirm that the Biden Administration should be an honest broker and end its unconditional and biased support of Israel. 

No one is against peace. But there will be no peace as long as Palestinians are not only denied the most basic of human rights, they are on the receiving end of a campaign of violence and terror.  No one should allow that to continue. We won’t. We urge everyone to speak out.

Date:         Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 10:00AM

Location: the parking lot of the AMS Mosque (nearby Ford Rouge Plant)

located at: 9945 Vernor Hwy, Dearborn, Michigan 48120

Media Contact:

Mr. Abdallah Sheikh, AMPAC President, Tel no.: (708) 369-4565

Email: AMPAC Office:

Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director, Tel no.  (313) 790-8453


Participating organizations (Partial list);

AMPAC, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), American Center for Justice (ACJ), American-Muslim Leadership Council (AMLC), Palestine Office – Michigan, and the American Human Rights Council (AHRC).

Advoacy News

AMPAC and Community Hold Meetings with Lawmakers over War in Yemen

[Michigan, May 14, 2021]: The Arab and Muslim American Political Action Committee (AMPAC) in Michigan held a number of virtual discussions with American lawmakers to convey its concerns over the conflict in Yemen. These discussions are part of ongoing meetings and discussions that AMPAC organized and facilitated with elected officials to advocate for a sustained US involvement that would bring an end the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.  While humanitarian aid is needed and is vital, it is not the solution.  Ending the war requires the political will to end it.

On May 6, 2021,  AMPAC met with US Senator Gary Peters office regarding the ongoing war and the exceptional humanitarian crisis in Yemen.  

On March 13, 2021,  AMPAC met with Congresswoman Debbie Dingell. AMPAC members and community leaders requested that the Biden Administration accelerate its efforts to induce the overdue process of ending the war, lifting the siege, providing immediate humanitarian aid, supporting dialogue between all warring parties in Yemen to bring peace and unity to Yemen. 

AMPAC recognizes that the war in Yemen is not just a Yemeni conflict. It is also a regional conflict. Only a sustained international involvement will bring an end to the war. 

AMPAC and community leaders urged US Senator Peters and Congresswoman Dingell to lead the efforts and help advance this community- government engagement at all levels. AMPAC continues to call on all members of the US Congress and the Biden Administration to act to help save lives in Yemen.  

AMPAC acknowledges the complexity of the conflict in Yemen. Immediate measures are needed to help ameliorate the suffering. Therefore, AMPAC: 

  1. Demands that the Biden Administration pursue aggressive efforts to induce an immediate temporary cease-fire in Yemen.   
  2. Welcomes the Biden administration’s decision to increase the number of refugees anticipated to enter the USA to 63,000. AMPAC hopes that will include Yemeni nationals.  
  3. Demands that the Biden Administration designate and recognize all Yemeni nationals in limbo in neighboring countries as refugees just like the displaced of Syria, Iraq and others are treated.  
  4. Demands establishing a special consular affairs unit to handle and process the pending petitions for Yemeni Americans given the fact that the US Embassy in Yemen is closed. AMPAC understands the Covid-19 restrictions and their impact on consular functions. However, AMPAC requests that the Biden Administration, the Congress and the US State Department to be pro-active by addressing this serious matter of concern to Yemenis waiting for family reunification.  

AMPAC expresses its appreciation to both US Senator Gary Peters and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell for their leadership in engaging in this constructive dialogue that is essential and is crucial to continue at all levels. 

“AMPAC will continue its diligent work regarding the crisis in Yemen and other countries in the region,” said Abdallah Sheikh, President of AMPAC. “We call upon the Biden’s administration to step up to the challenge in Yemen and help end this dire and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen,” added Sheikh. “ 


AMPAC Endorsement 2021

AMPAC Public Advisory – 2021 Primary Elections:

[Dearborn, MI April 22, 2021]: The American Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC) announces the beginning of its endorsement process for the August 3,  2021 primary elections.

All candidates seeking AMPAC’s endorsement must submit a request no later than May 15, 2021 (Deadline). Endorsement requests must be made in writing via email to

Candidate’s interviews will be held within the week of  Monday, May 17 to May 22, 2021. Candidates will be contacted accordingly.

Upon completion of the endorsement process, AMPAC will make a formal announcement of the list of endorsed candidates for the August 3,  2021 primary election.

AMPAC urges all registered voters to vote early and in advance via post mail or at your registered precinct on Election Day.  The impact of this year’s upcoming primary election should not be underestimated. Primaries determine who runs in the General elections- a first cut in the process.

It is important for everyone to have a voice in the choice of who gets to make decisions that affect our lives and the future of our cities, state and country.

Stay tuned for future AMPAC releases.  Email AMPAC at for more information.